Transcript Request Form
Current seniors may
send their high school transcripts at no charge, electronically,
securely and confidentially, all with real-time tracking! Giles County
Public Schools have partnered with Parchment, the leader in eTranscript
exchange, to provide electronic transcripts to participating colleges
and universities.
To order an electronic transcript be sent to a
college or university, click on the "Request My Transcript" icon below.
After creating an account, you may then place and track your transcript
orders 24/7.

Learn more by accessing the Parchment Student Tool Kit.
Here, you'll find a set of resources to help you make the most of including user guides, video tutorials and frequently
asked questions.

Out of High School Less than 5 Years:
former students and alumni who have been out of high school for less
than 5 years, please access your transcript through your Parchment account. If you do not have a Parchment account, contact your high school guidance office to order
Giles High School: 540-921-1711 / Narrows High School: 540-726-2384
Out of High School More than 5 Years: former students and alumni who have been out of high school for 5 years or longer, please use Scrib Order to request transcripts.